Gallbladder diet: list of allowed and prohibited foods

In a vesicular crisis where stones or stones are present, a diet consisting mainly of low-fat foods should be followed, so the consumption of fried foods, oils and sausages should be avoided, and water consumption should be increased . All these cares help reduce symptoms such as abdominal pain or discomfort during crises, food being a fundamental component, however, this should not replace the clinical treatment prescribed by the doctor, which may include the use of some medications to alleviate the symptoms. 
What happens in a person with gallbladder stones when ingesting fats is that bile, which is a substance produced by the gallbladder, has the function of mixing with fats in the intestine to help them be absorbed, so if they are ingested the gallbladder will be stimulated to release bile and this will cause even more pain and discomfort. See more about gallstone symptoms .

Food allowed

During a gallbladder crisis, you should eat foods rich in water and with little or no fat content, such as:
·         Fruits, except coconut, avocado and açaí because they contain fat;
·         Vegetables in general, especially cooked ones, since they facilitate digestion;
·         Whole grains like rice, pasta, and whole wheat bread;
·         Skim milk and derivatives;
·         Low-fat and cooked or grilled meats such as skinless chicken, fish, and turkey;
·         Water and fruit juices.
In addition to consuming these foods, it is important to cook them by grilling or steaming, because these are the ways of cooking that do not add fat to food. See how to prepare some home remedies for gallbladder stones 

Foods to avoid

Foods banned during a gallbladder crisis are high-fat foods like:
·         Complete milk , cottage cheese and yogurt;
·         Yellow cheeses like Parmesan;
·         Butter and any other animal fat;
·         Fatty meats such as ribs, sausages, duck or goose meat;
·         Viscera such as the liver, heart, kidney or guts;
·         Oilseeds such  as walnuts, chestnuts, almonds, peanuts;
·         Fatty fish such  as tuna, salmon and sardines;
·         Others : Chocolate, cookies, puff pastry, meat broth, ready sauces, mayonnaise;
·         Alcoholic drinks.
People with gallbladder stones should consult a nutritionist for an individual nutritional plan to be carried out according to their needs, and a gastroenterologist to indicate the treatment to follow.

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