Foods rich in carbohydrates such as bread, oats, cereals and rice, for example, are the main source of energy for the body, because glucose is generated during digestion, the fuel preferred by the body's cells.
When these foods are consumed in large quantities, the body uses a part of them to produce energy and, what it does not use, stores it as fat in the adipose tissue, favoring weight gain. Therefore, their intake must be controlled, consuming between 200 and 300 grams per day on a normal calorie diet, an amount that can vary according to weight, age, gender, and physical activity.
However, people who want to lose weight should control the type of carbohydrate to eat, as well as the portions, and should prefer foods that contain less carbohydrates and more fiber in their composition. Learn how to go on a low carb diet
List of carbohydrate-rich foods
The table below contains a list of foods that provide the most carbohydrates and their fiber content:
The foods indicated in this table are just some of the carbohydrate-rich foods, but there are also others that contain carbohydrates but in less quantity such as milk, yogurt, and cheese, as well as vegetables such as pumpkin, beets, and carrots. fruits like apple and pear. See more on fiber foods .
What are carbohydrates?
Carbohydrates also called carbohydrates, carbohydrates or saccharides are molecules formed by organic compounds like carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Its main function is to provide energy to the body quickly because they are easily digested, but when that energy is not spent, it is stored in the body as fat in the cells of adipose tissue. See more about carbohydrates and their functions in the body .
All vegetables have carbohydrates and the only food of animal origin that contains carbohydrates is honey. Its consumption should not exceed 60% of the calorie requirement per day and there are different classifications of simple and complex carbohydrates, the difference of which is at the level of molecules, with complexes and rich in fiber being the most indicated to be consumed in a diet of weightloss.
Foods rich in complex carbohydrates
Foods with complex carbohydrates are slower to digest by the body, sugar being released more slowly in the blood and helping to produce a feeling of satiety for a longer period, especially if the food contains a high amount of fiber. For this reason, they are usually classified among foods with a low or moderate glycemic index. Learn more about the glycemic index of foods .
Foods rich in complex carbohydrates are less sweet foods and some of them are: rice or whole wheat pasta, as well as whole grains, lentils, chick peas, beans, carrots, whole wheat bread, among others.
These are ideal foods for diabetics and also to consume during a diet regimen, in addition that they generally have a high content of B vitamins, iron, fibers and minerals.
Foods rich in simple carbohydrates
Foods rich in simple carbohydrates are those that the body quickly absorbs at the intestinal level to be used as energy, making you feel hungry faster, unlike complex carbohydrates that are high in fiber, some examples are refined sugar, brown sugar, molasses, maple syrup, honey, the fructose found in fruits, and lactose, the sugar present in milk.
In addition to this, there are some processed foods that contain excess sugar such as candy, soda, jams, pasteurized juices, pastry sweets, jelly beans, and other goodies.
This type of carbohydrates raise blood sugar very quickly, which is why they are considered foods with a high glycemic index, which is why they must be avoided by diabetics and by those who try to lose weight.
What are "good" carbohydrates
Although all sources of carbohydrates are good, choosing the ones that are the healthiest is not an easy task. The best option for those who want to lose weight or improve their results in the gym is to consume whole products, in addition to fruits and vegetables. However, it is important to always check the nutritional labeling of foods to choose the best option, since many contain added sugars or high amounts of fat. See how to read the nutrition label .
Here are some good sources of carbohydrates for their high fiber content:
- Fiber-rich fruits: plum, papaya, pear, strawberry, kiwi, mandarin, lemon, blueberry, pitahaya and peach;
- Whole foods: rice, rice combined with grains, whole wheat pasta, whole wheat bread, whole corn tortilla or bread with seeds;
- Vegetables: cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower;
- Grains: beans, lentils, chickpeas, peas, or peas;
- Cereals : oats;
- Tubers: sweet potato and yam.
Foods rich in sugar such as cakes, cookies, cereal bars and sweets in general, should not be consumed if you want to lose weight or increase muscle mass.
How to use carbohydrates to increase muscle mass
To gain muscle mass, several servings of complex carbohydrates should be consumed throughout the day and in a snack before training, because they provide the energy the body needs to carry out physical activity, after training (up to 1 hour later) it is recommended consume a protein-rich food such as yogurt for example, to facilitate the increase of muscle mass.
However, to obtain better results, the ideal is to consult a nutritionist who will prepare a nutritional plan adapted to the individual needs of each person. See foods to increase muscle mass .
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